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Why work with 
my finance function...

my finance function utilises the latest technologies, coupled with a strong team of tech-savvy qualified accountants, to bring efficiencies which weren't present in the accounting and bookkeeping practices of old.


Our vision is to take your time and troubles away from your business accounts and give you back that extra time to spend focusing on your business and doing the things you love.

Book a call with us


In-house vs my finance function

My Finance Function



My Finance Function

Finance Director 

In-house cost

~£79,500 PA


My Finance Function
My Finance Function

Transaction Management

Dedicated finance director 

My Finance Function

Monthly payroll

My Finance Function
My Finance Function
My Finance Function
My Finance Function

~£11,700-      £35,400 PA


Reporting & analytics

Forecast management

dependent upon chosen package

Can't justify the cost of employing an in-house finance team. Can't risk not having financial control.

Does the above describe your business? If so, we want to work with you.


We work with businesses that aren't quite big enough to justify employing a finance person in-house because of the headaches that come with employment (on-costs, sick leave, running payroll, holidays, etc) and because they don't have enough work to keep a finance person occupied full-time.


But these businesses also need more than just a traditional accountant who looks at their books once a year, and more than a bookkeeper who simply makes sure that the VAT return goes in on time each quarter.


We offer the best of both - you'll get all-day every-day access to your dedicated finance team, and we'll take care of all of your reporting requirements at the same time. Your books will be kept up to date on a regular basis as if we were part of your in-house finance team, which means we'll be able to offer you finance director-level insight through reporting, budgeting and forecasting.


Your business. Your Livelihood.

It’s what you do, and it’s what you’re good at.

What we do, and what we’re good at, is financial management, analysis and planning.


Not only do we ease the burden of finding time to keep on top of your accounts and keep the VAT man off your back, we will also prepare regular detailed reports to help you run your business with total financial clarity, which is imperative for sound decision-making.

What strategic-level value do we add?

Many businesses lack clear visibility of their financial performance, either due to not having access to up-to-date financial information or not having the time to be able to understand the figures. 


We work with you to identify which areas of your business are critical to success, and we monitor KPI's to enable you to be fully strategic. 


Nobody knows your business like you do. And nobody knows financials like we do. Together, we can bring valuable and meaningful financial analysis under one roof, and start using it to make strategic decisions about the running of your business. 


We will break your business down, line-by-line. We will help to build a meaningful budget for your costs and set realistic targets for your income.


We will bring your financials to life with real purpose so you can focus on what you do best. 

My Finance Function
My Finance Function

Anytime, Anywhere

My Finance Function



You meet with them once a year. You wait a week for a response to any of your emails. Advice is always reactive and you’re not really getting support in real-time when you need it.


We know the gripes that businesses have with traditional accountancy firms. We aren’t that, and we pride ourselves on delivering a service fit for the modern day.


We’re in your corner, and we’ll feel like part of your team – we are your finance function.

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